Title: How to Make a Tear-off Notepad with Mod Podge DIY

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Make your own notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper and Mod Podge.

How to Make a Tear-off Notepad with Mod Podge DIY

Make your own tear off notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper and Mod Podge. 

I always have several notepads on my desk for checklists and notes. I have the worst memory these days, so notepads are crucial. 

Yes, sometimes I use my phone, but I have a very visual memory and can remember things better if I physically write it down. 

What about you? Do you use tear-off notepads?

Let's get crafting and make notepads!

Make your own notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper and Mod Podge.

When I was little I loved note pads, I'd fill them with crafty ideas and peel off the first page like a receipt! 

I especially loved to make flip books, so this technique would have been perfect. 

Make as many notepads as you like and customize them for every occasion.

Speaking of notepads for every occasion, I'm posting notebooks, journals and all things with sheets of paper holders this week at Doodlecraft, so check the posts at the end of this post too!

Make your own notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper and Mod Podge.

Supplies Needed to Make a Notepad with Mod Podge:

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Supplies needed to Make your own notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper, Mod Podge, paintbrush and C clamps.

Step 1: Cutting the Paper

First step is paper pad size.

The beauty of this notepad is that you can make it whatever size you like! 

You can make one just for the car glove box, or to sit on the desk corner perfectly. 

Cut the paper to size. I cut my pages in quarters. (4.25 X 5.5") 

Cut the chipboard backing to match the size.

The paper can be thinner paper or even scrapbook paper...find some scrap paper and transform it into your own DIY notepad.

Cut paper the desired size for a handmade note pad

Cut a couple of pieces of chipboard to use as braces. 

They just need to be wider than the notepad and as tall as the clamp surface area.

Cut chipboard and paper the same size to make a notepad.

Step 2: Clamp the Paper and Chipboard

Align the stack of paper and the chipboard back covers together and line up the top edge as closely as possible. It does not need to be perfect.

These could be a printable sheet that you've already printed off with a home printer and cut to size...like a to-do list, memo pads or other check list for your own custom notepad.

Stack the chipboard and paper together to make your own notepad.

Then use the chipboard pieces on either side of the note pad, but about an eighth of an inch lower than the top edge. 

Then clamp the clamps down on the bracing chipboard firmly on both sides.

You could use binder clips instead if they are thick enough to clamp down on your stack of paper scraps on the side of your notepad.

Clamp the paper and chipboard together to make a note pad.

This is the set up for the note pad, the adhesive will be painted on the top of the block.

Holding all that paper tightly will let the Mod Podge work to adhere it all together.

Clamp paper and chipboard together to make your own notepad.

Step 3: Apply the Mod Podge

Now use the paint brush and apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the top edge of the notepad.

(note, it is not called modge podge, but you'll find Mod Podge in the adhesives aisle of your craft store.)

Paint the top edge of the paper and chipboard clamped together with Mod Podge.

Let it dry for 20 minutes, then apply more Mod Podge. 

Repeat the drying and painting process for 5 light coats or layers of Mod Podge. 

It's better to do several thin coats, rather than thick coats that will warp the paper.

Can you imagine how great this would look with  extreme glitter mod podge as the second application!?

I need to make this with some kinds of different glues next time!

Let the mod podge dry and then paint the top edge of the notepad again until it's been coated 5 times with Mod Podge.

Once it's dry, it's ready to use! It feels just like a notepad from the store, with a thick glossy band across the top. Now make some more! 

Print off paper with a logo, at home or in a print shop, and make them into custom note pads for all occasions.

Print them out with lines or boxes for checking things off. Keep track of all those important notes with a little notepad. 

Use thicker paper and decorate it with washi tape.

Get creative making notepads in a unique way, they make great gifts and fun crafts for the new school year...or going back to school after Winter break!

Make your own notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper and Mod Podge.

That's it!

Now you know how to make a tear-off notepad using Mod Podge, paper and chipboard.

There are so many fun things you can create using notepads!

Just a few supplies are needed and you can make as many custom and creative notepads as you can dream of.

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Make your own notepads to keep lists, memos and to-do's organized using paper and Mod Podge.

Here's more Journals, Notebooks, Notepads and craft ideas you might be interested in making!

Refillable Leather Journal DIY

Make a chic refillable leather journal out of Cricut Leather and a few other supplies. 

This shimmery metallic leather journal has paper folded in half inside, held tightly by elastic, making it refillable as needed.

You can also fill your journal with any type of paper!

I love notebooks so much--you can never have too many! This is my newest and most favorite book, because it uses regular paper and is refillable. Fill your leather journal with sketch paper, watercolor paper, kraft paper or just cheap copy paper.

Gratitude Journals: We R Memory Keepers Cinch Binding Tool

Learn how to make these paper pieced gratitude journals using the We R Memory Keepers Cinch Binding tool. 

Keeping track of special moments, things that worked out and little tender mercies is such a good way to focus on the positive parts of life rather than the dreary.

Gratitude Journals: We R Memory Keepers Cinch Binding Tool  Learn how to make these paper pieced gratitude journals using the We R Memory Keepers Cinch Binding tool.    Keeping track of special moments, things that worked out and little tender mercies is such a good way to focus on the positive parts of life rather than the dreary.

Mini Leather Journal with Pen Holder with Cricut Maker

Hey friends, I am sharing an amazing gift--mini leather journals with pen holder--made with the Cricut Maker. Make a leather wrap journal with pen holder with the Cricut Maker. 

Getting a Cricut Maker is an investment, but it's worth it...and it's easy to get the full value out of it over and over again.  For starters, you can make amazing gifts for everyone on your list.

Make a leather wrap journal with pen holder with the Cricut Maker.   Getting a Cricut Maker is an investment, but it's worth it...and it's easy to get the full value out of it over and over again.  For starters, you can make amazing gifts for everyone on your list.

Mini Leather Refillable Notebooks DIY!

Make a mini leather refillable notebook for the perfect notebook on the go. One can never have too many notebooks or sketchbooks. This cute little book is refillable, so it's perfect for kids or to keep in a purse. 

They would make a great gift too!

Mini Leather Refillable Notebooks DIY!

Watercolor Galaxy Profile Pocket Notebook DIY

Make the perfect pocket notebook that is customized for the owner with a watercolor galaxy profile. This slim notebook is great for art on the go. Fill it with sketching paper, watercolor paper or a mixed media paper for whatever medium you like. I'm sharing notebooks and journals all week--you can never have too many notebooks!

I learned this fun galaxy technique from a fellow Tombow Design Team member, Katie. She is the queen of galaxies! At the Tombow Design Summit I went to in January, she gave me a little notebook similar to this. I knew I had to make my own.

If you make one of your own, please post it on social media with the #doodlecraft so I can see it and share it!

Watercolor Galaxy Profile Pocket Notebook DIY

Cereal Box Pocket Notebook with Sewing Machine DIY

I love making notebooks! This notebook DIY is super simple using a cereal box, paper and the sewing machine. This is a great sewing project for a beginner and perfect for some craft time at home. 

Slip this notebook in your purse or pocket for quick notes, lists and sketching on the go.

Cereal Box Pocket Notebook with Sewing Machine DIY

How to Laser Engrave Journals DIY with xTool S1!

Learn how easy it is to make a laser engraved journal or notebook with xTool laser cutting machine.

Every time I do a laser cutting project it becomes my absolute favorite--and this is no exception, I totally love these faux leather engraved journals!

Engraving on journals is so fast, just minutes, and makes a gorgeous handmade gift, branded business merchandise or custom swag.

Supplies Needed for Laser Engrave Journals:  affiliate links:  OtterBlotter Hardcover Lined Journal Notebook xTool S1 diode laser (or other laser engraving machine) xTool Creative Space Image to engrave

Cereal Box Refillable Journals Upcycled Craft DIY!

Make a cereal box refillable journal for the perfect Earth Day crafting! 

These cute notebooks are perfect and can be refilled with any kind of paper you like. 

Turn a cereal box into a refillable notebook for sketching, drawing and note taking. 

Cereal Box Refillable Journals Upcycled Craft DIY!   Make a cereal box refillable journal for the perfect Earth Day crafting! These cute notebooks are perfect and can be refilled with any kind of paper you like. Turn a cereal box into a refillable notebook for sketching, drawing and note taking.

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...gestern schon drüben bei #INSTAGRAM getrommelt...
...und ehe es hier auch zu...
...mit diesen BUCHSTABEN...
...ist natürlich NICHT...
...zumindest nicht EXPLIZIT...
...das olle...ECHTE...LAMETTA (!!!) gemeint...
...im #TeamLAMETTA sind für mich ALLE...
...die #XMAS, also das heilige BimmelBammelfest...
...in irgendeiner Weise...FEIERN...
...inklusiver DEKO aller Art und Weisen....
...ob aus HOLZ, Papier, STROH...oder Plastik GLITZER&Co...
...ich hätte auch tippseln können:
oder gar:
(wobei...Letzteren find ich schon wieder total reizvoll *ggg*) )
...war ich auch...
...sowas von...
...und ein klitzeklein wenig bin ich es auch wohl in #2024 noch...
...eeeeigentlich wollte ich #WEIHNACHTEN2024 ja völlig wegignorieren...
...ich hatte es ja auch schon (auch gestern und drüben bei #INSTAgram) getextet...
...die aktuelle WELTLAGE macht mich einfach nur sprachlos...
...Ich werden keinen Pfifferling in diesen WEIHNACHTSkommerz da draußen stecken...
...um nicht noch MEHR Steuern für Kriegstreiber zu generieren...
...ich boykottiere die SCHEINHEILIGEKEIT 2024....
...wenn es überhaupt Geschenke gibt...
...dann sind die in #Xmas2024 ALLE selbstgemacht...
...wer nicht `drauf steht...
...kriegt` halt nix...
...und PLASTIK hat diese Welt sowieso schon genug...
...Weihnachten fällt bei uns also recht "bescheiden" aus...
...eigentlich wäre ich am Liebsten gaaaaaaaaaanz weit weg...
...aber uneigentlich bin ich noch hier...
...sicher auch noch bis #2025...
...und frage mich, was mit dieser Welt nicht stimmt...
...das FEST der LIEBE...
...warum eigentlich, nur an diesen HEILIGEN Tagen?
...warum...denn nicht einfach JEDEN Tag?
...nur eben ohne GESCHENKE...
...zumindest nicht DIE...die Materiellen Dinge...
...ZEIT? schenken...LIEBE? schenken....
...und nicht nur in heimeligen, altbekannten, eigenen SIPPE...

...JEDER Mensch auf dieser Erde hat LIEBE verdient...
...JEDEN Tag...
...und WIR gemeinsam sollten ALLE miteinander klarkommen...
...und sollte es mit dem ein oder anderen vielleicht mal doch nicht so klappen...
...Diplomatie...heißt ein Zauberwort von vielen...ach...
...diese WELT könnte wirklich unendlich SCHÖN sein...

...aber weil ich trotz allem...
...noch immer ein unerschütterlicher (HARDCORE😁) Optimist bin...
...glaube ich trotzdem an ein HAPPY END!!!

...Apropos #LIEBE...und #DANKBARKEIT...
...Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle auch endlich mal wieder bei meiner...
...HERZallerLIEBsten #MUTTI bedanken...
...mittlerweile gibt sie uns schon ZWEI (😱) Jahre ASYL...
...und niemand, wirklich NIEMAND, den ich kenne...
...hat ein derart groooooooooooooooßes HERZ wie sie...
...DAS war gestern ganz schön spät...
...dafür hab` ich die BUCHSTABEN mal wieder für `nen #1€ #SPARbie eingestellt...
...sinnlose #STATEMENTS kann` die Welt gar nicht genug haben...
...einfach GENAU mein HUMOR...
...in diesem SINNE:

gleðileg jól!
فروه يهناختن
 E guëti Wiënachtä
Gajan Kristnaskon
Krismas Njema Na Heri
Vesele bozicne praznike
Merry Christmas
Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Joyeux Noël
Buon Natale
Nedeleg laouen
Jutdlime pivdluarit
Feliz Natal
I'D Miilad Said
즐거운 성탄
Glædelig Jul
Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce
Nollaig chridheil
Wesolych Swiat
Mo'adim Lesimkha